Tuesday, June 4, 2013


I know that there aren't many of you but just to let you know, Spectacularly Ordinary is moving to Country Chic to blog. Find me at aussiecountrychic@blogspot.com.
See you there!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Content in the Chaos

When everything turns upside down...

From out of nowhere comes the call...your landlord has decided to sell. No more, no less. Just an emotional roller coaster for the next 4 months.Why?
Why does the next step of our adventure scare me so incredibly?
Why can't my emotions focus on the fact that God has never let us down before instead of fluctuating between the high hopes of my unaffordable dream house and the reality of our finances and loan options.
I know that I am to be content... why is that such a hard ask? To rest in the facts of God's goodness, grace and provision of what I need (note: not want). Contentedness - the art of using what I have for God's glory, not my own selfish pleasure. The feeling that just because someone else has it does not mean that I deserve it. The true joy in anothers gain and true sorrow for their loss, instead of the comparison game, the "it's not fair"  mentality and the search for joy in circumstance and stuff.
The guilt of if I had... or if I hadn't... if I was more... or less.
In fact the problem is that it's all about me...the self indulgent, self centered, self pleasing me who fails to grasp the blatantly obvious.
It's about Him, His plans, His loving provision of either gain or loss, His ultimate control in every circumstances and the fully grasping of this...
                                                                                     even when everything turns upside down.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Organised Housewife Challenge

The Organised Housewife

Well, it's on! I've signed up for the challenge. Why? Because there is always room for improvement and accountability is what I need. Pre Challenge #1 is done and ready for the next...

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Photo Day

I spent the second Tuesday of the school holidays on a photographic expedition. Yes an entire day spent taking photos. My co-conspirator and I drove to the Rose garden at Tanunda and spent a crisp autumn morning snapping to our hearts content. A picnic lunch in the park and a coffee and dessert from the bakery rounded off a memorable day of flowers, friends, conversation and clic!
Two things that struck me most ...
1. No one was hurrying us on or rushing off to the next spot...
2. Bees don't sit still...
                                        PS. Can you see the feet?


So here I am - January 31! The first, whole month of the Year of Our Lord 2012 has come and ever so quickly, gone.

I love January. It holds promise and plans, renewal and for me a revisiting. A getting ready for the year ahead after the beauty of Christmas; and the manic rush it sometimes accumulates.

I hate January. It holds many hurtful anniversaries, the passing of no less than 4 dear friends and family members. As I plan the future I am well aware that I have no control over the events of this life; or the next. As I think of how unpredictable this life is I am faced with the truth that in some cases each anniversary means another year alone for someone I love.

I love January. We celebrate our wedding Anniversary (OK so my poor typing originally spelled that "weeding") This year it was a bit that way. A weeding out of some marriage destroying habits that had crept into our garden. Interesting how my Bible readings for the month of January were in Song of Solomon and most of January my darling has been working away. A good time to focus on some gardening of the heart.

Our celebrations include my Parent's Anniversary, my Mother's birthday and Australia Day.
Summer holidays have been extra hot, strangely disjointed and over too soon. Beaches, friends, fireworks, an amazing iced chocolate!

The year ahead holds much in store but so much of it is hidden. My comfort is that it is hidden in His hands.

The regular events of my week have all too soon come in to play and each adventure is begining.
Our MOPS group is one week away so planning is all go. I can't wait to see who will be a part of this years group and how God willl work in this part of their lives.
Country Chic's foray into the world of craft markets has started and I look forward to seeing if this is a place that God has for me.

.The adventure of a "Whole Foods" online course is making me tingle with anticipation; food, cooking and a deepening friendship. Sharing with the other participants from around the globe at http://beautythatmoves.typepad.com/ sounds like too much fun.

The challenge of completing an endurance ride this year on my sweet Megs is something from my "bucket list".

The dream of visiting family in America is now more of a tentative plan, than a dream and that in itself is a miracle.

The unfolding of Number 1 son's future is slowly taking shape as I face the next stage of my mothering journey.

And in between the many tasks and adventures I have begun the challenge of being grateful. No small ask for a habitual "glass half empty" kinda girl. http://www.aholyexperience.com/ Ann Voskamp's 1000 Gifts is inspirational and I challenge you to check it out


Monday, January 2, 2012


Reflection... As I look back on 2011 with a sense of completion, I am once again amazed at the speed at which a year can pass.The blurr of experiences and emotions that are contained in a day, a month, a year! The mundane and routine of home chores and regular activities that string together like bunting, interrupted by joys and tradgedies of the unexpected, hoped for, even dreaded.
This year I have hoped, prayed, regretted, given up; I have smiled, belly laughed, been wracked with sobs that shake my foundations; I have been asked to toughen up, let go, swallow my pride; I have been uncertain, afraid, angry and bewildered and yet...in it all... a sense, a certainty, an intimate "knowing", that all, all, ALL! is held in God's mighty hands.
That which I don't understand, that I fear, even that which I think I have under control... it is His!
What comfort, what peace is found in Him, in trusting His purposes, in being loved by God.
2012... So I face this coming year in the maturity of knowing it will hold much of the same. Undoubtably these familiar lessons will come again, clothed in new experiences. I will be again asked to grow and change and love and forgive. I will suffer hurt and take deep breaths of joy. This year has the promise of learning to let go, the discipline of exchanging monotony for deeper roots, the aquiring of new skills and new relationships, the risks of new experiences.

a new camera in the same house

the boys and their volleyball

 Megs & Sock,

R's Formal
 J's great year at school
 Year 12 results
 Christmas... the only time of year my toes are red!
 Christmas lights,
Chai and my ball of string...

Quirky craft,

Olive picking,

a "normal" week,

  1. One day in and loving 2012!

Friday, March 4, 2011


Ok...it just hit me! ... if you want something to work or start.. just double click on the little thingy (I know it has some nerdy name, but you know what I'm talking about.) Today I noticed that mine is the shape of a little hand with the index finger pointing up!! Revolutionary...NO, remindingly SO!! If things aren't working out look UP! Change your perspective! I've got to remember to LOOK UP, to rest in the fact that God is the one in control...move my life-mouse to His plan, double click on that and wait for Him to take me to the next screen.
That is all.