Friday evening found us heading of to Victor Harbour for the Christian Women Communicating Internationally Conference. We had packed our things...most of them, made our plans...slightly sketchy tho' they were and yes there was going to be a lot of communicating going on between us Christian women!
To sum up my weekend...
...I am constantly amazed by God's generosity toward me in His provision of my friends! Those like me, those not so similar, all who challenge, encourage and build me up.
...I adore the vistas that God gifts us with. This time it was wide seas and wider skies, encircling clouds and skipping seals. Grey tones on grey then blue skies and piercing sunlight. Praise God for eyes to appreciate His handiwork.
...Speakers with passion and personal accounts that draw us back to His grace. Grace upon grace and even more grace. Amazing Grace, Glorious Grace.
...They say actions speak louder than words. I watched one of the key note speakers as she sat on the platform and waited to speak. We were all singing and one of the music leaders was obviously touched by the song. She began to weep and stepped back to a corner to compose herself. I watched as Joan crossed the stage to comfort her and thought how priveleged I was to witness a speaker whose heart was for others not on her own promotion.
...Long night conversations on life, past & present, on God's thoughts and heart. Laughter and tears.
...Markets, food, coffee, clothes, craft and jewellery. I guess that's why missing my all boy family is more difficult in these times 'cos I know they would be just itching to be somewhere else...except for the food times!
...Chance (divinely orchestrated) meetings with old friends.
...I thank God for my family who despite my need to be needed, are awesome enough to thrive while I am away and love me when I am not.
No, I didn't make it to every session but if the weekend is about communicating with Christian women, that was surely accomplished.