These last few weeks, and a few more to come I suspect, have been a whirlwind. I feel decidedly blown about. We are selling up and moving out. So my days have been spent cleaning this house, looking for a new one, trying to sort the mountain of materialness that has accumulated in the last 5 years and fitting in the day to day of ordinary life. Personal circumstances of those around me and general busyness has left me tired and soul sad at times but I have found a haven. I love how in the busyness I can find my God. He does not hide from me when I am weary or frustrated. I can speak to him whether I'm packing boxes, scrubbing walls or fighting the tears.
I love the imagery of the twister, it seems to fit how I feel. Yet in the midst of the movement, there is a quiet place of peace and rest. A center where I crawl up into the lap of the Creator and take time to see things from His perspective, to tune in to His heartbeat for myself and those around me.
Be still and know that I am God....